Advantages of vanadium batteries


Advantages of vanadium batteries

large scale

The output power and stored energy of the all-vanadium redox flow battery are independent of each other. By changing the volume or concentration of the electrolyte in the storage tank, it can meet the needs of large-scale power storage and energy storage. Can meet the rated discharge power requirements. Vanadium batteries can be used in kilowatt to megawatt scale applications.


long life

Using an electrolyte of the same element in both half-cells avoids the problem of cross-contamination of half-cell electrolytes in long-term applications. The experimental stacks built internationally have been charged and discharged for 13,000 cycles, which has verified the stability and technical reliability of the system.

Deep discharge possible

Can achieve 100℅ deep discharge without damaging the battery;

Since the active substances in the electrolyte of the positive and negative plate batteries are stored in different storage tanks, the self-discharge consumption of the electrolyte retention process is completed, and the energy efficiency of the optimized battery system charge and discharge is > 80%, or even 90%.


The electrolyte can be recycled, and no harmful gas is generated during the electrode reaction process.