All Vanadium Flow Battery System

KFCS-IEM-10N perfluorinated ion exchange membrane
ThicknessN mil
Equivalent 1000g/eq
Conductivity 0.1S/cm
Tensile strength 38MPa (isotropic)
Service life > 100000h
1mil 0.0254mm
Acid capacity 1.0meq/g
Density 2.0g/cm3
Linear expansion rate 4% (isotropic)
Unlimited shelf life
KFCS-IEM-10N perfluorinated ion exchange membrane has a series of advantages such as high acid capacity, high electrical conductivity, high crystallinity, high tensile strength, low linear expansion rate, isotropy, and long life. Ideal for flow batteries, fuel cells, membrane electrolyzers, core materials for electrochemical sensors!
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