Vanadium battery market prospect


Vanadium flow batteries are widely used in many fields because of their unique advantages:

1. Wind Power Market

At present, wind turbines need to be equipped with lead-acid batteries with a power equivalent to about 1% of their power for fan protection in emergency situations. In addition, each fan needs to be equipped with a dynamic power equivalent to about 10% to 50% of its power. Energy storage battery. For off-grid power generation of wind turbines, a larger proportion of dynamic energy storage batteries is required. Vanadium batteries with many outstanding advantages can completely replace the existing lead-acid batteries to build a dynamic energy storage system for wind farms.

2. Photovoltaic power generation

As the name implies, photovoltaic power generation requires sunlight, and it cannot generate electricity at night or in cloudy and rainy days, so energy storage batteries are needed to store electricity for it. Since the existing lead-acid batteries are very limited in power, capacity and lifespan, it is believed to have many outstanding advantages. The all-in-one vanadium battery will be the first choice for photovoltaic power generation and energy storage batteries.


3. Power grid peak regulation

The main means of peak regulation in the power grid has always been the pumped storage power station. Since the pumped storage power station needs to build two reservoirs, the upper and lower reservoirs, which are greatly restricted by geographical conditions, it is not easy to construct in the plain area, and the area is large and the maintenance cost is high. . Vanadium battery energy storage power station is not limited by geographical conditions, free site selection, small footprint and low maintenance cost. It can be expected that with the development of vanadium battery technology, the vanadium battery energy storage power station will gradually replace the pumped storage power station and play an important role in the peak regulation of the power grid.

4. Electric vehicle power supply

Due to its unique structure, vanadium battery has strong charging acceptance ability, adapts to fast high-current charging and high-current deep discharge, has large specific power and high specific energy, and is suitable for power supply of electric vehicles. It can also solve the problems caused by automobile exhaust emissions. Air pollution problem. The advantage of vanadium batteries as a driving force for automobiles is that they can achieve "instant charging" (direct replacement or replenishment of electrolyte).

5. Uninterruptible power supply and emergency power supply

As a UPS, it can be used in emergency lighting places such as office buildings, theaters, hospitals, etc., and can also be used as a backup power supply for computers and some military equipment.

6. Power supply system

The construction of conventional power stations or the construction of transmission lines in islands and remote areas is expensive. The use of vanadium batteries combined with solar, wind and other power generation devices can ensure stable power supply in these areas. In addition, vanadium batteries can also be used as power supply systems for post and telecommunications, railway signal transmission, and radio transmission stations.